Riverstone Puppies

General Information
Picking your puppy: Puppies will be picked at 4 weeks old. You are more than welcome to pick your puppy out in person but this cannot be arranged for any reason before 3 weeks old. This is to protect fragile puppies against infection. You can also pick your puppy out by pictures and videos. Once the puppy turns four weeks old you will be expected to pick your puppy. Picks will begin by the order of the received deposit. People behind you are excited about picking their puppy also so we ask that this is done in a timely manner. Puppies will not leave to go to their new homes until they are 7-8 weeks old. Every puppy is taken to the vet for an examination and will have their first set of shots and wormed every two weeks. (Until further notice we will be picking puppies through pictures/videos/facetime because of Covid-19).
Pictures: New pictures will be taken every weekend. It is typically Sunday evening before I can get pictures. Group pictures of the litter will be posted each week. Starting at 3 weeks old the puppies will be pictured individually with colored collars. These colored collars are what identifies your puppy. Each puppy will wear their collar until their new owner(s) take the collar off. There will be two pictures posted of every puppy each week. No pictures will be emailed because they will be on the website.
Crate: We recommend crate training your new puppy. This allows him/her to stay safe when you cannot be with them. This also allows your home to be protected from chewing. Crates should be large enough for your puppy to walk around in but small enough for him/her to feel safe and secure. I like the medium or intermediate size.
Important: Be sure to have a checkup appointment scheduled with your vet. Remember that puppies should not go out in public until they have had all of their immunizations - this is a must! No public parks, walks in the neighborhood, trips to a Pet Store or obedience training outside the home.